

Liquefied gas carrier’s cargo handling system

For different types of liquefied gas carriers, the liquid cargo handling system and vapor management system are specially designed to safely store and transport liquefied gas media at ambient temperature or low temperature. E.g. for LPG...

Gas carrier’s cargo containment system

Depending on to the characteristics of the cargo medium carried the design of the cargo containment system can be customized by using different cargo tank materials and tank types to meet the specific requirements...

Liquefaction/ re-liquefaction system

For liquefied gas carriers or LNG fuelled ships, different types of liquefaction technologies are used to liquefy the evaporated gas in the storage tank to control the vapor pressure in the storage tank.

Fuel gas supply system

LGM Engineering continuously develop the marine fuel supply systems to meet the future requirements and needs of shipowners and to comply to environmental regul...